"Lunae Custos Infographic" (2024)
For this project, I used my love of creature design to fulfill the assignment brief of creating an infographic about a subject of my choosing. This is my own original character concept (including the written information) and design. My goal for the aesthetic of this project was to imitate the style of scientific field journals that researchers would make about flora and fauna discoveries while out in the field. In order to achieve this effect, I first completed a greyscale illustration in ballpoint pen (original scan included here) then colored it digitally in Photoshop (final version).
22" x 16" on Illustration Board.

"The Thorny Road of Honor" (2024)
This illustration is a visualization of my interpretation of the Hans Christian Andersen story "The Thorny Road of Honor". Andersen's story talks about many of our popular heroes throughout history that were, ironically, then turned on by the very people they saved. One of the stories he focuses on is Joan of Arc, which is who I also chose to center my illustration around. Her story spoke me because of her enduring resilience and dignity, even while she was burned at the stake by the community she protected. Additionally, I took inspiration for the color palette and gilded frame from illuminated manuscripts made around the time this story took place.
This piece won a 2024 Bronze International Design Award.
It was also selected for display on the Illustration Floor of the SCAD Atlanta 1600 Peachtree building.
11" x 14" Graphite on Illustration Board. Colored in Photoshop.

GHJA Educational Festival Program Cover (2024)
I was commissioned by the Georgia Hunter Jumper Association to design and illustrate the program cover for their annual Educational Festival. My illustration depicts their headline instructor, Mark Leone, at the client's request. This festival is a wonderful learning opportunity for all equestrians in the Alpharetta, Georgia community, and I am honored to have helped promote it.
8.5" x 11" Ballpoint Pen on Illustration Board.

GHJA Grand Finale and Finals Program Cover (2024)
I am thrilled to have been asked to once again design and illustrate a program cover for the Georgia Hunter Jumper Association. This time, it was for their annual state finals that the top riders in the state are invited to compete at. This event is always so fun and does a great job of celebrating the hard work of the competitors throughout the year. For this illustration, I wanted to focus on one of those moments of celebration, inspired by an image from the official photographer, Hallie Burden.
8.5" x 11" Ballpoint Pen on Illustration Board.